About Me

Valeria Pino

Nutrition Coach

My name is Valeria Pino, I was born in Venezuela and moved to Miami at the age of 16. I graduated from Florida International University and also got my Nutrition Coach Certification. I have always been a very active girl and sports have been a big part of my life.

After graduating from High School (2013) I stopped working out and playing sports and didn't care much about the food I was eating because I had always been a "skinny girl" until I turned 22 years old and my body changed completely. I started accumulating unwanted fat, cellulite started to appear and my muscle mass was decreasing. I developed anxiety and skin conditions that I had never experienced before, plus overweight. My body was collapsing, telling me to pay attention and do something. So, I can tell you that I HAVE BEEN THERE, I've felt ugly, unwanted, unworthy and careless. And I have been in that dark place where I thought there was no way out.

Last year (2019) I had a "wake-up call" and took control over my own body. I started waking up at 5am and ran 3 miles every morning. I changed my eating habits and listened to motivational podcasts and speeches everyday. I lost around 18 Lbs and my skin changed, my body changed, my unwanted fat disappeared and the muscle mass was back (after going to the gym and lifting weights)

That's when I thought "If I did this, if I won the battle against anxiety, depression and overweight with the right mindset, if I changed my eating habits and enjoyed the process, I can help others achieve their goals". And that's how it became my mission to help others through their wellness journey. So, I decided to go back to school to get my license as a Register Dietitian and I'm also currently studying Biodecoding so I can have better knowledge and tools to help more and more people at different levels.